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Bokhuset ;libris Tromso

A Norwegen hunn ech nieft de Bicherchaînen awer och ee Bicherbuttek zu Tromso fonnt, an zwar d' "Bokhuest ;libris" zu Tromso.
Dobausse stoung deen Dag e Weenche mat Bestseller-Bicher.
Wann een erakënnt, huet een op der lénker Säit d'Täschebicher an englesch Bicher. Riicht aus huet een d'Keess, wou deen Dag zwou frëndlech Verkeeferinne stoungen. Dotëscht ass nach een Dësch mat Kalenneren a Magnéiter mat norwegesche Motiven. Rietserhand fënnt een d'Papeterie-Saache, wéi zum Beispill Classeuren, Hefter, Schachtelen, ...
Nieft der Keess féiert eng Trap op den éischte Stack. Do uewen ass de Kannerdeel an et goufen deen Dag 50% op de Bicher. Et ginn awer och Bicher iwwer Reesen, Kachen, Hobby a Musek do uewen. Dokumentarbicher sinn an engem Weenchen an der Mëtt vum Sall a waren dunn och an de Solden.
Hei fannt der hir Internetsäit, wou een och Bicher online bestelle kann. Op hirer Facebooksäit deelen se mat, wann eng Liesung oder soss eng Veranstaltung mat Bicher ass oder si maache Reklamm fir nei Bicher a weisen, wat alt mol an hirem Buttek lass ass.

In Norway, I didn't only see book chains, but also a bookshop in Tromso, the "Bokhuset ;libris". Outside, there was a carriage with bestseller books on this day.
When you come in, you see on your left pocket books and english books. In front of the entry is the cashier, where two friendly shop assistants stood on that day. In between, there is a table with calendars and magnets with norwegian motives. On the right, there is the stationery with for example folders, notebooks, cases, ...
Near the cashier are the stairs to get on the first floor. There is the children's corner and on that day you got 50% off on books. But there are also books about traveling, cooking, pastime and music on this floor. Documentary books are in a carriage in the middle of the room and were on sale too.
Here is the internet site, where you also can buy books online. On the Facebook site, they inform people about readings or other presentations of books or they make promotions of new books and sometimes they show what goes on in their bookshop.

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