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Let'z go local goes Ettelbrück

Dëse Weekend war den "Let'z go local" zu Ettelbréck, an der Däichhal. Et war déi éischte Kéier, dat dee lokale Mäert am Norde vum Land ofgehale gouf. An et war och déi éischte Kéier, dat ech iwwerhaapt dovunner héieren hat.

Wéi ech op de Parking bei der Däichhal ukomm sinn, hunn ech vu wäitem scho verschidden "local food trucks" gesinn virun der Entrée halen. Do konnt een sech eppes z'iessen an ze drénken siche goen an dat bei den Stéidëscher konsuméieren.
An der Däichhal selwer waren iwwer fofzeg Stänn opgeriicht. Fir dat een och direkt wosst, ëm wéi eng Leit oder Firma et sech géif handelen, stoung bei all Stand e Panneau. Et war interessant sech déi verschidde Stänn unzekucken an ze gesinn, wat iwwerhaapt alles zu Lëtzebuerg produzéiert gëtt. Nieft de Stänn waren awer och e puer Sëtzgeleeënheeten do. Et gouf och eng "local bar", wounieft e Glacëweenchen stoung.
Zwee Stänn ware mir mech déi interessantst, well déi mat Bicher ze dinn haten: "Atelier Kannerbuch", wou Kannerbicher vum Vanessa Staudt an Gadgeten verkaf goufen, an "Editions Guy Binsfeld", wou verschidde Bicher aus deem Editiounshaus ausgestallt waren. Och do konnt een d'Bicher op der Plaz kafen.
Si hunn eng Facebooksäit fir ënner anerem iwwer hir Evenementer an d'Virbereedungen dozou ze beriichten. Do hunn ech gelies, dat si vill Veranstaltungen am "Centre National de l'audiovisuel (CNA)" zu Diddeleng hunn, ënner anerem e Chrëchtmäert mat lokalen Designer an Handwierker. Et gëtt awer och eng Internetsäit, déi dir iech kënnt ukucke goen.
Ech si frou, dat den "Let'z go local" de Wee bis an de Norden fonnt huet. Ech hoffen et war een Erfolleg an dat et net fir d'läscht war, dat si esou eppes hei uewen am Land gemaach hunn.

This weekend "Let'z go local" had its local market in Ettelbrück. It was the first time that this market was detained in the north of the country. And it was also the first time I heard about it.
When I arrived at the parking near the "Däichhal", where the market took place, I could already see "local food trucks" before the entrance. You could buy something to eat and to drink and consume it on a standing table.
Inside the "Däichhal", there were over fifty stands. All stand had its signboard to see which people or firms exposed their products. It was interesting to go through the different stands and see products made in Luxembourg. There were also seating-accomodations nearby the stands. A "local bar" sold drinks and there was a goods van with ice cream.
Two stands were the most interesting for me, because they had books: The "Atelier Kannerbuch", where they sold children books written by Vanessa Staudt and gadgets, and "Editions Guy Binsfeld" where they exposed different books from their edition house. You could also buy books on place.
They have a Facebook site to report on their event and the preparation of it. On this page I found out that a lot of events are hold in the "Centre National de l'audiovisuel (CNA)" in Dudelange, for example the christmas market with local designers and handicraftsmen. It also exists an internet site, you can take a look at it.
I'm happy, that "Let'z go local" found its way to Ettelbrück. I hope that it was a success and that it was not the last time they've been at the north of the country.

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