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"Buchhaus Wittwer" zu Stuttgart

Zu Stuttgart gëtt et d'"Buchhaus Wittwer", e wierklech grousst Bichergeschäft mat véier Stäck an zwou Entrée'en.
Fir déi véier Stäck net mussen zu Fouss ze goen, gëtt et och e Lift. Wann een duerch d'Entrée um Rez-de-Chaussée erakënnt, gesäit een lénkerhand d'Neierscheinungen a Postkaarten. Rietserhand huet een dann een Panneau, wou dropsteet, wat een op wéi engem Stack fënnt. All Stack huet Stéchwierder, déi engem hëllefen, seng Bicher méi séier ze fannen. Den Rez-de-Chaussée huet "Krimi, Unterhaltung, Jugend" do stoen. Wann een op den 1. Stack geet, fënnt een "Romane, Geschichte, Kultur". Op deem Stack befënnt sech awer och eng Théik, wou een bestallten Bicher kann ofhuele kommen. Um 2. Stack fënnt een Bicher iwwer "Reise, Genuss, Kunst". Hei befënnt sech déi zweet Entrée, esou wéi d'Holanka-Bar. Op dësem Stack hunn ech mech am längsten opgehaalen. Um 3. Stack sinn d'Bicher mat den Themen "Kinder, Gesundheit, Leben" an um 4. Stack "Wissen, Lernen, Beruf".
Et ass alles schéin opgebaut an d'Dekoratioun huet mer och ganz gutt gefall. Et ginn Liesecker mat rouder Sëtzgeleeënheet, wou hannendrun op der Mauer Spréch vu Bekanntheeten zitéiert ginn.
An dësem Bicherbuttek hunn ech mer mol eng Kéier keen Roman kaf, mee een Reise-Logbuch, wou ech Saachen aus den Vakanzen ukräizen an apesche kann. An et ass deen Dag och direkt benotzt ginn.

In Stuttgart is the "bookhouse Wittwer", a huge bookshop with four floors and two entries.
To reach the four floors without taking the stairs, there is also an elevator. When you enter the shop on the ground floor, you can find on your left the new publications and postcards. On your right, you'll find the map of the bookshop. Every floor has its keywords to find the books faster. The ground floor has the words "crime thriller, entertainment, adolescence". When you go to the first floor, you can find books about "novels, history, culture". On this floor, there also is a counter, where you get your ordered books. On the second floor, there are books about "travel, enjoyment, art". Here is the second entry and also the Holanka-Bar. On this floor, I spent the most of the time. On the third floor are books with the themes "children, healthiness, life" and on the fourth floor "knowledge, learning, profession".
All in all, everything is beautifully assembled and I liked the decoration very much. There are reading corners with red seating-accomodations, where you'll find on the back, on the wall, sayings from high profiles.
In this bookshop, I didn't buy a novel, but a travel notebook, where I can mark with a cross or paste things from the holiday. And on this day, I already noticed some things in it.

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