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Prix Laurence 2016

Dëst Joer war déi 2. Editioun vum "Prix Laurence". Et handelt sech ëm eng Initiativ vum Jugendhaus Beetebuerg (MJC) an Zesummenaarbecht mat der Beetebuerger Gemeng. Hei geet et drëm, jonk Leit ze motivéieren fir ze schreiwen an hinnen eng Plattform fir hir Literatur ze ginn.
Am Virfeld gouf decidéiert, dat et zwou Kategorien wärt ginn: Alterskategorie 12 bis 17 Joer an déi vun 18 bis 26 Joer. Fir déi zwou Kategorien goufen jeeweils 12 Kandidaten erausgesicht.
Dëse Weekend war dunn d'Final. De Samschden 16. Abrëll goufen d'Gewënner an der Alterskategorie 12 bis 17 Joer gewielt. Den 1. Präis goung un d'Deviam Amegah (17 Joer) mat "One Shade Of Black", den 2. Präis goung un d'Eline Klaassen (13 Joer) mat "Unsichtbar & rotes Haar" an den 3. Präis goung un d'Anouk Mahr (15 Joer) mat "Die Legende der Schwestern". De Publikumspräis goung un d'Karma Catena (14 Joer), wat fir säi Wierk keen Titel hat.
De Sonnden 17. Abrëll goufen d'Gewënner an der Alterskategorie 18 bis 26 Joer festgeluecht. Den 1. Präis goung un den Maxime Weber (22 Joer) mat "Chaudron fêlé", den 2. Präis goung un den Nicolas Calmes (20 Joer) mat "The street of the Castle" an den 3. Präis goung un den Joseph Storn (19 Joer) mat "Schlecht Gesellschaft". Den Publikumspräis goung och un den Joseph Storn. Eng besonnech Mentioun vun der Jury gung un d'Gina Arvai (22 Joer) fir säi Wierk "Shoulda known obnoxious".
Op folgender Internetsäit fënnt een d'Nimm vun den Participanten a vun de Gewënner. Ech fannen et eng ganz flott Initiativ an hoffen, dat et där Editiounen nach vill wäerte ginn.

This year was the 2nd edition of the "Prix Laurence". It's an initiative of the house of youth Bettembourg (MJC) in collaboration with the mayor's office of Bettembourg. Young people get motivated to write and get a platform for their literature.
Previously, two categories were chosen: the category aged from 12 to 17 years and the one from 18 to 26. For each category, 12 candidates were selected.
This weekend was the final. On Saturday 16th of April, the winners of the category aged from 12 to 17 years were selected. The 1st award went to Deviam Amegah (17 years) for her "One Shade Of Black", the 2nd award went to Eline Klaassen (13 years) for her "Unsichtbar & rotes Haar" and the 3rd award went to Anouk Mahr (15 years) for her "Die Legende der Schwestern". The public award went to Karma Catena (14 years), for her work without title.
On Sunday 17th of April, the winners of the categorie aged from 18 to 26 years were selected. The 1st award went to Maxime Weber (22 years) for his "Chaudron fêlé", the 2nd award went to Nicolas Calmes (20 years) for his "The street of the Castle" and the 3rd award went to Joseph Storn (19 years) for his "Schlecht Gesellschaft". The public award also went to Joseph Storn. A special mention from the jury went to Gina Arvai (22 years) for her "Shoulda known obnoxious".
On this Internet site you can find the name of all participants and of the winners. For me, it's a nice initiative and I hope that there will be more editions of it in future.

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